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SERMA Group wins the “Contrôleur de Gestion” Trophy at the DFCG Nouvelle-Aquitaine Finance and Management Awards.

Monday September 30, 2024 saw the presentation of the DFCG Nouvelle Aquitaine 2024 Finance and Management Trophies. The aim of this trophy is to distinguish four finance professionals who have implemented dynamic and innovative initiatives in their companies.

At 6.30pm, live from the Cité du Vin in Bordeaux, Delphine Lacour, Management Controller for SERMA Group, was awarded the “Contrôleur de Gestion” trophy and answered a few questions in front of an audience of over 200 people.

A total of 4 trophies were awarded:

  • “Strat-up” Trophy
  • “SME/SMI” Trophy
  • “Medium-sized entreprise/Large entreprise” Trophy
  • “Contrôleur de Gestion” Trophy

Congratulations to all the winners, and congratulations to Delphine Lacour and the entire SERMA Group Controlling team .

► Discover her presentation video here directed by Alexandre Garçon